Public Notice


The voters of the Town of Parker in 1997 adopted an Alternative Expenditure Limitation - Home Rule Option. The purpose of this election is for the continued use of the Alternative Expenditure Limitation – Home Rule Option. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-563.01, the Town Council of Parker voted to approve the proposed Alternative Expenditure Limitation – Home Rule Option at its special meeting on July 2, 2024. The council vote was 7 For and 0 Against. At the general election to be held on  November 5, 2024, the citizens of the Town of Parker will vote on a proposed Alternative Expenditure Limitation - Home Rule Option. With voter approval, the town expenditures each year shall be limited to the estimated available revenues whether such expenditures are less than or exceed the State-imposed limit. As an example, in FY 2025-2026, the State-imposed limitation plus applicable Constitutional exclusions would allow expenditures of $5,763,465. Under the proposed Alternative Expenditure Limitation – Home Rule Option, we estimate revenue and expenditures of $18,083,101. If the voters approve, the additional expenditure authority will be used for all local budgetary purposes including general government, public safety, public works, water, culture and recreation, contingencies, and debt service expenses. Revenues received from Federal, State, and local sources will be used to fund such expenditures. The city/town property tax amount shall continue to be limited to the amount prescribed in the Arizona State Constitution.

By order of the Town Council of Parker.

 Amy Putnam, Town Clerk 


Home Rule Expenditure Limitation 

  • Arguments supporting and opposing proposition by August 7, 2024

  • Arguments must relate to the proposition that will appear on the ballot.

  • Arguments must identify the proposition to which they refer and indicate whether the argument is in support of or opposition to the proposition. 

  • Arguments must contain an original sworn statement and a notarized signature of each person sponsoring it. Arguments submitted by organizations shall be signed by two executive officers of the organization, or if a political committee sponsors the argument it must be signed by the committees chairman or treasurer. All persons signing the argument shall indicate their residence or post office address and a telephone number, which information shall not appear in the publicity pamphlet. 

  • Arguments are limited to 300 words in length. 

  • No person or organization shall submit more than one argument for each proposition to be voted upon. 

  • Arguments will be printed exactly as submitted (typographical errors included) proofread your text carefully. 

Please submit your arguments to:

Amy Putnam

Town Clerk

1314 11th Street 

Parker, AZ 85344