Mayor & Town Council
Thank you for visiting the Town of Parker website. We have designed this website to help you easily access the information you may be looking for about services, departments, business prospects, and community attractions.
If you are a resident, we are working to make town services available to you. You will find important information about programs, events and town activities quickly and easily. Our goal is to place the town at your fingertips. For those who are visiting Parker or considering a trip here, I hope you will take time to discover all that makes our town a great place to live and work. I know you will like what you find. From our downtown shopping and our special events to our proximity to the Colorado river and wonderful mild winters.
The Town of Parker operates under a Mayor - Council - Manager form of government. Per the Town's adopted charter, the Mayor and Council enact local legislation, adopt budgets, determine policies, and appoint the Town Manager and other officers deemed necessary and proper for the orderly government and administration of the affairs of the Town.
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Randy Hartless, Mayor

Dusty Wooddell , Vice Mayor

Marion Shontz, Council Member

Erica Daniels, Council Member

Rey DeLeon, Council Member

Josh Grenwalt, Council Member

Zafer Genc , Council Member